
A Very Different Nazi Horror Story


Author: Christopher Alan Broadstone
Reviewed By: Oliver Lippert
Points Rating: 10 out of 10

Read the review on THE HUFFINTON POST (Germany) here:

Ten years ago I heard about Christopher Alan Broadstone's first horror novel "Puzzleman", as well as his three short films, which I also received: "Scream For Me" (about a serial killer who becomes the victim of another killer), "My Skin!" (in which Death comes to collect the soul of a murdered young woman, but takes revenge on her killer), and "Human No More" (a private detective is consumed by a murder-case and descends into his caustic underworld one last time). All four tales––novel and films collectively––entertained me ten years ago, and they have currently ignited a fresh reading and review of "Puzzleman", which will appear on The Huffington Post in the near future.

"A Catch In Time" is a novella and the most recent release by the author, director, and musician Christopher Alan Broadstone. It is the story of the wealthy Tatiana, who has run away from her forced marriage to an aristocratic philanderer, and sought sanctuary at Hotel "Bochica", Salto del Tequendama, Colombia, a retreat for the rich and famous. The last thing she expected, however, was to discover a convoy of Nazi SS soldiers arriving at the hotel under cover of night, led by Deputy Führer Rudolf Hess. Although the cover mentions that this tale is "a very different Nazi horror story", our heroine meets someone else at the hotel I did not anticipate.

"A Catch In Time" is quite a page-turner, and becomes more interesting with every turn. So much so, that I could not take my eyes off the book for long. Finally the story grew so vividly and beautifully absurd––me letting the time pass by without notice––I have not felt any regrets that Broadstone's novella was the first eBook I enjoyed on my fist eBook reader. C. A. Broadstone has easily convinced me that his writing style is indeed brilliant.

"A Catch In Time" also offers two bonus short stories, "Smileys' Grave" and "Roseblood", as well as the 19th chapter of his novel "Puzzleman". These additions make the release perfect, and the chapter from "Puzzleman" gives the reader a nice insight into the novel.

Points Rating: 10 out of 10

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